A complete guide to people counting technology and its uses. The State of People Counting
Doors & Entrances

Door Counting Solutions

Considered the most traditional method for counting people, door counting (a.k.a. entrance counting) helps businesses measure the number of people walking through the front door. It goes beyond this, too, for instance counting the number of people walking through specific doors or entryways, such as a particular wing of a museum or department within a store.  No matter your specific application, our state-of-the-art hardware and software work together to help organizations accurately track foot traffic and unlock a trove of new insights.

Reliable Entrance Counters for Data-Driven Decisions

library patron counter - family reading together
visitor counter technology for university student centers

SenSource’s hardware-agnostic approach to door counting means we’re continuously testing the latest hardware to provide our customers with the most accurate and cost-effective solution. Trusted by a wide range of industries, our technology helps businesses improve operational efficiency by managing costly resources like staffing, hours of operation, and usage-based maintenance schedules.