Why use SenSource’s Access Control for Fitness Centers
Accurately measure how your fitness center is being used.
SenSource people counting sensors boast 97%+ accuracy.
The number of staff required to manually count guests. Save time with full automation.
Number of members that are allowed to enter per badge swipe with our anti-tailgating device.
94 Million
Guests counted by SenSource…and counting!
Want to learn more ?
Download our brochure for more information on SenSource solutions for fitness centers.
Brochure RequestGym Tailgating
24-hour fitness centers rely on access control systems like card-swipes to allow members to enter the locked building. SenSource’s anti-tailgating technology can detect when two people enter upon a single card swipe. A detected tailgate triggers an output you can customize with your existing access control system to sound an alarm or alert staff.
Member Counting
Monitor peak and non-peak foot traffic times by hour, day, week, and more. Know actual gym usage to plan events, staff schedules, and conduct maintenance around optimal times.

Occupancy Monitoring
Abide by capacity restrictions and optimally allocate resources by monitoring real-time occupancy levels. Display current occupancy to guests and report on historical data.
The most accurate way to control gym access
Our sensors measure foot traffic with precision, while our analytics platform gives you accessible data to make cost-saving decisions.
Accurate Sensors
Our VIDX sensor uses 3D advanced stereo vision tracking sensors and machine learning to make it the most accurate system available.
Detailed Analytics
Our Vea Analytics platform translates raw traffic data into meaningful patterns and profitable insights.